One Blend = Endless Possibilities

Sorella Spices Airfryer Salmon, using Butcher's Blend Spice

Air Fryer Salmon

Air fryers are a great way to cook delicious, healthy meals. So can they reach beyond the usual proteins? The answer is yes. Try this salmon recipe for a quick,...

Air Fryer Salmon

Air fryers are a great way to cook delicious, healthy meals. So can they reach beyond the usual proteins? The answer is yes. Try this salmon recipe for a quick,...

Airfryer Zucchini Polpette using Sorella Spices Italian Blend spice

Air Fryer Zucchini Polpette

Air fryers aren't just for proteins. In fact, air fried vegetables are easy and taste amazing. This air fryer zucchini recipe will wow you and keep them asking for more....

Air Fryer Zucchini Polpette

Air fryers aren't just for proteins. In fact, air fried vegetables are easy and taste amazing. This air fryer zucchini recipe will wow you and keep them asking for more....